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The World Health Organization (WHO), a specialized agency under the United Nations, is the World's largest public health organization, with 194 member states as of 2016.

The website of the WHO International EMF Project has long been concerned with the impact of electromagnetic waves on human health and health risk assessment. The latest research results and relevant recommendations are published from time to time.

WHO report on health risk assessment of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. The report is abstract of conclusions on the International EMF Project in 2007.

Non-ionizing Radiation Website of Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan R.O.C. (Taiwan)

It mainly conveys the current situation of non-ionizing radiation control, electromagnetic waves related knowledge, questions and answers of public interest, and relevant information for inquiry. It also provides a data management and access platform for sampling data over the years, as well as a geographic information inquiry system which is easy for people to check.

Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare

The website contains information about health care and health promotion in Taiwan. In the areas of public concern, there is information from the World Health Organization on electromagnetic waves in translation.

National Communications Commission (NCC)

Installation permits of telecommunications enterprises establishment of radio base stations and mobile phone base stations, radio license issuance and migration, and electromagnetic radiation management are all under the management of the National Communications Commission (NCC).

World Health Organization (WHO) Electromagnetic Fields Website

The website of the WHO International EMF Project has long been concerned with the impact of electromagnetic waves on human health and health risk assessment. The latest research results and relevant recommendations are published from time to time.