



* This website processes the personal information collected by the website in accordance to the "Personal Information Protection Act" of the Republic of China. The personally information may be collected with user's permission only.
* The web server where this website is hosted records users' browsed webpage and IP for website content and system improvement and policy promotion effectiveness evaluation. The recorded data is used for statistical analysis only and does not concern user's personal information.
* When users browse this website, a cookie will be placed in their personal computers. A cookie is a short file sent from the website and stored on the user's computer. This cookie does not contain information that could be used to identify the users. It is used to record the customization users make to the services provided by this website. The hosting web server only has access to the recorded activity on this website in the cookie and has no access to any other records of the users' activities on any other websites.

This privacy policy is effective immediately. Taiwan Power Company may revise this policy in accordance to the changes of privacy regulation and to adapt to the changes of social environment and technology improvement. Taiwan Power Company will update and announced the revised privacy policy as soon as possible.


* The ownership and legal rights of the content of this website and the contents of the websites with links provided by this site belong to their legal owners. This website does not assume responsibility regarding the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the contents.
* The contents of this website, including but not limited to written reports, pictures, images, illustrations, sound records, video records, files, webpage layout, webpage design, etc., are protected by the Copyright laws of Republic of China and the International Copyright laws. The relative intellectual property include but no limited to trademark, patent, copyright, trade secret and proprietary technology, etc.
* User may download or copy the content of this website for personal use and may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit the downloaded materials for any commercial purposes.
* The posted declaration of the copyright, trademark and other declaration may not be changed or removed.