


A picture of Zhushan Branch Power Plant

Matsu Nangan area was powered by Matsu Power Plant formerly, which was promoted to construct by the Matsu Power Plant Preparatory Committee, which is funded by the Ministry of National Defense, Taiwan Power Company, and the Matsu Administration Committee in 1969, and operated commercially on July 1, 1971.

Dawo Power Plant in Dongyin operated commercially on October 31, 1971. Junhun Power Plant in Beigan operated commercially on July 1, 1974. The power plants in Dongju and Xiju operated commercially in 1979 successively. The power plants in Matsu were operated by the Matsu Power Company, which was founded on July 1, 1975, and was under the jurisdiction of the Matsu Battlefield Administration Committee.

On November 7, 1992, the battlefield affairs were terminated. Matsu Power Company entrusted the Taiwan Power Company to operate. On July 1, 1997, the Matsu Power Company was incorporated into the Taiwan Power Company, which was approved by the Executive Yuan and established Matsu District Office.

To meet the increased electricity demand after the tourism development in Matsu, Taiwan Power Company undertook the Zhushan Power Plant project. It completed in 2009 and it has four diesel oil-fired units, total installed capacity is 15.4MW, and operated commercially in March 2010.

Zhushan Power Plant was subordinated to Hsieh-ho Power Plant in Octorber 2014, and added “Zhushan Branch Power Plant”to the organization of “Hsieh-ho Power Plant”.

Address Telephone Fax
No. 99-9, Qingshui Vil., Nangan Township,
Lienchiang County 209002 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886-0836-26715 +886-0836-26718
Units Commercial Operation Date Installed Capacity (MW) Fuel
Zhushan #1 2010.3.22 3.85 Heavy Oil
Zhushan #2 2010.3.22 3.85 Heavy Oil
Zhushan #3 2010.3.22 3.85 Heavy Oil
Zhushan #4 2010.3.22 3.85 Heavy Oil
Nangan #8 1989 1.54 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #9 1993 1.54 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #10 1996 1.5 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #11 1998 2.5 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #12 2000 2.5 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #13 2001 1.5 Light Diesel oil
Beigan #4 1991 1.08 Light Diesel oil
Beigan #5 1994 1.08 Light Diesel oil
Beigan #6 2001 1.50 Light Diesel oil
Nangan #6 2001 1.50 Light Diesel oil

