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Introduction to Renewable Energy

Wind Power Generation

The wind turbine blades are driven by the wind for generator to generate electricity. 


The photovoltaics panel is constructed by P-type and N-type semiconductor materials connected into positive and negative poles. When sunlight shines upon the photovoltaics panel, the solar energy would separate the positive and negative charges in the semiconductor material. Upon separation, the positive charges would move towards the positive (P-type) pole, while the negative (N-type) charges would move towards the negative pole. When the positive and negative poles of the solar battery are connected to their respective loads, current would be generated, so as to work on the load (generate electricity using the theory of electron differentiation). 

Hydropower Generation

By making use of the flow of water from rivers and lakes of high altitudes and potential energy to downstream areas, the original potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy of hydraulic turbines. The hydraulic turbines are then used as the prime mover to move generators to generate electricity. 

Geothermal Power Generation

The gas turbine is moved using steam generated out of geothermal fields; or underground hot water are used to heat working fluid to vaporize which to move gas turbine, thereby generating electricity. Taiwan is located at the border between the Philippine Plate and the Eurasian Plate, thus belongs to the ring of fire. 

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Generation

Uses working fluid with low boiling point of vaporization of the surface seawater, such as ammonia, propane or freon, to move turbine generator to generate electricity. Then, the working fluid is cooled using deep cold seawater, so as to repeatedly use said fluid for power generation.

Use wave energy to drive turbines, hydraulic turbines or hydraulic motors, etc., and then start the generator to generate electricity.

Power Generation Characteristic


  1. As a type of self-generated energy. The development of which can reduce reliance on imported energy, save foreign exchange.
  2. As a type of carbonless energy. It is also key to suppress greenhouse gas effect.
  3. As a type of fuel-less power source unaffected by the rise of fuel prices, can therefore ensure stable cost for power generation.
  4. As a type of diverse power source and support nearby power supply, reduce investment in power transmission equipment and losses in power transmission.
  5. Broad distribution with immense reserve.
  6. Can combine with regional development and promote tourism.


  1. Taiwan holds limited land resources with over two-thirds of mountain areas. Overly steep mountain areas or debris flow regions are not suitable for the setup of renewable energy.
  2. Low density energy and relatively small device capacity. Compared with thermal power source, cost for unit construction is relatively high with larger initial investment.
  3. Under the influence of the weather with instable power output, and hence exerts a larger load on orchestration operations. As a result, the ratio of its total capacity of development in independent system capacity is limited, so as to ensure quality and security of system power supply.