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Nuclear Safety

Nuclear Safety Design and Management

Nuclear safety

To ensure the safety of operations and various abnormal situations, the safety related systems / equipment of nuclear power plants are designed with defense in depth. Through the multiple barriers, fail safe design, multiple and diverse planning designed, to ensure the function of safety system work normally.

Radiation safety

Nuclear power plants are designed by the concept of multiple barriers and defense in depth from the stage of design period, to minimize the radiation dose of radiation workers and nearby residents outside the plants. And also prevent the release of radioactive materials during the accident.

Work Safety

In addition to the safety of people's lives and property as the primary consideration for safe operation, the nuclear power plants also adhere to the principle of human life is paramount, and zero occupational accidents. Making all kinds of safety management and protection in advance to protect lives and health of employees and contractors.


Reactor Oversight and Performance Indicators

TPC using performance indicator in the ROC power reactor licensee assessment process to transparent reactor safety. At quarterly intervals, TPC will submit performance assessment data to the AEC. Then AEC will announce each nuclear power plant's performance indicators to improve each power plant self performance. Each indicators meaning:

Reactor oversight and performance indicators
Green light
Indicates performance within an expected performance level where the associated cornerstone objectives are met.
White light
Represents performance outside an expected range of nominal utility performance but related cornerstone objectives are still being met.
Yellow light
Indicates related cornerstone objectives are being met, but with a minimal reduction in the safety margin.
Red light
Signals a significant reduction in safety margin in the area measured by the performance indicator.

Taipower performance indicators

Nuclear reactor violations

Violations will be given notice of I、II、III、IV、V by its grade from serious to slight one. No safety issues and do not reach severity level V violation will be given attention correction notice.

Nuclear reactor facilities outage restart inspection reports

To enable safe and stable power supply in future operation, nuclear reactor facilities at 18 month intervals need refueling outage and perform inspection and maintenance of related systems, equipment, and components. Outage inspection and restart safety reiview will be given by authorized inspection agency (AEC). Authorized by AEC approve, TPC could restart nuclear reactor facilities.


The operational technical specification of operating nuclear power plants

Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear power plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)

Remark:This FSAR Chinese excerpts are based on factors that do not affect the operation and maintenance of the power plants. After a negotiation and agreement with Atomic Energy Council, we select the chapters related to FSAR in the Chinese training materials of nuclear power plants, and delete the intellectual property rights that may involve manufacturers, as well as secret and sensitive information such as personal information and security. So the summary of content is different from the English version of FSAR.

Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant (Chinese ver.)