- Last updated
Protect Yourself and Respect Others
What is sexual harassment? What are verbal, nonverbal, physical, and visual harassment? What are unwelcome sexual advances?
Any sex-based or gender-based behavior that is unwanted and makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, or is an unwanted violation of your body should be considered sexual harassment.
What should you do when being sexually harassed in the workplace?
Talk to the person directly and ask the person to stop the behavior! Then tell a trusted friend, family member, or co-worker the details of the incident.
Provide a report of the incident or incidents that is as detailed as possible. Provide any supporting evidence.
Contents of a report:
1. Details of the incident, including: who, where, when, what, and how.
2. Relevant attempts to stop the harassment.
3. Your emotions and responses towards the harassment.
4. Consequences and impacts of the incident.
Find witnesses and other evidence. -
Report to the Company:
Call: (02)2366-7730
Fax: (02)2367-9295
Email: a960601@taipower.com.tw
Sexual Harassment Prevention
How can you protect yourself?
Sexual harassment?
Relevant information: Department of Human Resources / Sexual harassment prevention area -
How can you avoid harassing or offending others with your behaviors?
A. Think twice before you speak and respect people’s personal spaces when interacting with them.
B. Share your admiration respectfully, unwelcome advances are never appropriate.
C. Consider and understand that unwanted, sexually-oriented humor or innuendoes violate the company’s sexual harassment policy. -
rotect yourself
Avoid unsafe and uncomfortable environments.
What should you do when encountering sexual harassment in the workplace?
Report the sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviors:
Remember the following contact information for the Department of Human Resources
*Hotline: (02) 2366-7730
*FAX: (02) 2367-9295
*Email: a960601@taipower.com.tw -
If someone tells you that he or she is being harassed…
*Inform the person of the above contact information so they can report the situation and seek help. Keep a record of your conversation. Keep the information confidential. Strive to stay impartial.
*Do not wait before reporting information to the Department of Human Resources, and do not investigate or confront the harasser by yourself.
Say "No" right away! Stand your ground, "NO" means "NO"!
Report any harassment incidents and let our trained professionals help!
Do not gossip or comment