


I. Activity Period

December 14, 2020 to December 13, 2021

II. Participant Eligibility

Residential Customers (including Residential Public Facilities), Elementary and Junior High Schools (including Registered Kindergartens).

III. Participation Methods

  1. Online Registration
    Register the customer numbers or addresses on our activity website.

  2. Counter or Phone Registration
    Register through our service center or dedicated service line 1911. 

  3. The people who have successfully registered before December 13, 2021(inclusive) will get rewards for energy saving of each bill during the activity period since the date of registration.

IV. Reward Method

  1. A participant customer number will be rewarded $0.6 for every kW-hour saving. If the rewards for a bill (2 months) are less than $84, it will be rewarded $84. If the participant customer is a disabled family who use life support equipment and necessary living aids that is regulated in Article 52 of Electricity Act, and the rewards for a bill (2 months) are less than $100, it will be rewarded $100. The rewards are offered by abating the current bill, and the rewards for a bill (2 months) are subject to its amount of electricity bill.

  2. If the following circumstances occur, the current bill won't be rewarded for its energy saving,

    1. Those who do not belong to residential customers (including residential public facilities), elementary or junior high schools, and registered kindergartens in the current bill period or the same bill period of last year.

    2. The current or last year's bill period electricity usage is lower than the baseline allocation.

    3. Those who suspend, terminate or abolish power usage in the current bill period or the same bill period of last year.

    4. The current bill period type and the type of same bill period last year are different.

    5. Those who have separated the household power usage to more than one bill in the past year (including the original one and the new one).

  3. Those who have registered this activity but suspended or terminated the power usage need to re-register this activity again to receive the energy saving rewards when you re-connect the power supply.

V. Calculation of Energy Saving

  1. Energy saving of each bill
    Energy saving of each bill = (average daily electricity usage in the same bill period of last year-average daily electricity usage in the current bill period) × days in the current bill period. Negative values are not adopted. The values are rounded up to the nearest decimal place (Unconditional Carry)

  2. Average daily electricity usage in the same bill period of last year
    Average daily electricity usage in the same period last year = total electricity usage in the same bill period of last year ÷days in the same bill period of last year

  3. Average daily electricity usage in the current bill period
    Average daily electricity usage in the current bill period = total electricity usage in the current period ÷days in the current period

  4. The average daily electricity usage is calculated to the fourth decimal place.