


September 22, 2023 - Taipower’s 30-Year Beach Cleanup Effort: Safeguarding Taiwan's Beautiful Coastlines! Since 1994, Taipower has been observing World Cleanup Day by organizing an annual nationwide beach cleanup event just before the Mid-Autumn Festival. This year marks its 30th anniversary. Today, 26 units, including power plants and regional offices, along with local organizations, joined forces with over 6,500 participants across ten counties and cities, cleaning up 15 coastal locations together. Taipower stated that over the past decade, they have organized more than 150 beach cleanup events, mobilizing over 70,000 participants. Together, they have removed nearly 238 tons of trash, equivalent to about 12,000 bags of large garbage, and reduced approximately 490 tons of carbon emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.

  • Taipower held its 2023 Nationwide Beach Cleanup event today, led by Acting Chairman Wen-Sheng Tseng (front right), who joined colleagues in the cleanup efforts. Taipower noted that this year's event took place at the renowned “must-visit” destination, the Gaomei Wetlands Coast Pearl in Taichung, known as one of the world's seven great “mirrors of the sky”. Adjacent to it is the “Wind Farm”, adorned with 16 Taipower wind turbines, which has become a popular spot for Instagram-worthy photos.

Taipower held its 2023 Nationwide Beach Cleanup event today, led by Acting Chairman Wen-Sheng Tseng, who was accompanied by colleagues in the cleanup effort. Deputy Director of the Taichung City Environmental Protection Bureau Wen-Lin Shang, local representatives, and various distinguished guests also participated in the event. Taipower noted that this year’s event took place at the Gaomei Wetlands Coast Pearl in Taichung, renowned as a “must-visit” destination and one of the world's seven great “mirrors of the sky”. Adjacent to it is the “Wind Farm” featuring 16 Taipower wind turbines, which has become a popular spot for Instagram-worthy photos. Additionally, Taichung, being situated near the convergence of ocean currents, tends to accumulate marine debris, making the cleanup action even more crucial to enhance the beauty of the Gaomei Wetlands, known for its rich ecology and stunning sunset wind turbine views.

Wen-Sheng Tseng stated that choosing Gaomei Wetlands for the beach cleanup is because this area near Taichung Harbor is home to many state-owned enterprises, including Taipower. They hope to conduct environmental education through the cleanup event and work together to protect the environment. Regarding the transition of the Taichung Power Plant with coal-fired power units, Wen-Sheng Tseng mentioned that it will be carried out in two phases. The first phase includes the construction and preparation for operation of two new gas-fired power units at Taipower and one private gas-fired power unit, all of which have passed environmental impact assessment (EIA). Following the legislative resolution, Taipower will proceed with the decommissioning of two coal-fired power units by the end of 2026 after the new gas-fire power units are online. As for the second phase of the gas-fired power unit online plan, Taipower has already completed preliminary feasibility planning work. Subsequently, it will be submitted for review by various levels of government. If everything proceeds smoothly, Taipower aims to complete this phase by 2035. As a result, all coal-fired power units at the Taichung Power Plant will be decommissioned and converted into standby status.

Regarding the coal reduction progress, Wen-Sheng Tseng pointed out that, “As long as natural gas increases, coal will decrease.” After the three new gas-fired power units from Taipower and private company come online, coal consumption will be reduced by at least one million metric tons in the following year. The total coal usage at the Taichung Power Plant will then be reduced to below 11 million metric tons.

  • Taipower’s beach cleanup event in Taichung brought together approximately 340 participants from nearby Long-Cyuan Elementary School, Long-Jin Elementary School, Long-Jin Senior High School, and environmental volunteer teams. With the addition of nearly 600 Taipower employees, they jointly participated in the event, aiming to promote environmental education through practical environmental conservation actions.

Taipower explained that today, a total of 15 beach cleanup sessions across Taiwan collected 11,320 kg of trash. Since 2013, they have accumulated the removal of nearly 238 tons of trash, equivalent to about 12,000 bags of large garbage (calculated based on Taipei City's 96-liter trash bags, each carrying approximately 19 kg), resulting in a reduction of approximately 490 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

At the Taipower beach cleanup event in Taichung, there was also a collaboration with the well-known Taiwan Wild Bird Federation, which promotes wildlife conservation. They set up an environmental education booth at the cleanup site to introduce participants to local flora and fauna. Approximately 340 people from nearby Long-Cyuan Elementary School, Long-Jin Elementary School, Long-Jin Senior High School, and environmental volunteer teams joined forces with nearly 600 Taipower employees in the hope that practical environmental conservation actions would promote environmental education.

  • Since 1994, Taipower has been responding to World Cleanup Day by organizing an annual nationwide beach cleanup event just before the Mid-Autumn Festival. This year marks its 30th anniversary. Today (September 22), a total of 26 units, including power plants and regional offices, along with local organizations, joined forces with over 6,500 participants across 10 counties and cities, cleaning up 15 coastal locations together.

Taipower stated that power plants, being located near the sea for cooling water purposes, regularly clean up marine debris and driftwood to ensure the stable supply of electricity. Therefore, Taipower can be considered one of the companies most dedicated to marine waste cleanup. They have been continuously participating in joint beach cleanup activities for 30 years since 1994. In 2004, they further invested in “Coastal Sponsorship” initiatives. This year, a total of seven power plants, including Keelung Hsiehho Power Plant, Kaohsiung Hsinta Power Plant, and Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant, have sponsored approximately 10 kilometers of coastline. In 2017, Taipower received recognition from the Environmental Protection Administration for having the “most cleanup events”.

This year, Taipower continued its partnership with the John Tung Foundation, donating NT$15 for every kilogram of trash collected, jointly promoting health promotion and depression prevention efforts. Beach cleaning not only cleans the environment but also cleanses the heart. Since their collaboration began in 2013, they have already assisted nearly 30,000 students.


Spokesperson: Professional Chief Administrator Chih-Meng Tsai

Contact Number: (02)2366-6271/0958-749-333

E-mail: u910707@taipower.com.tw

Business Contact: Director Huan-Cheng Wen, Environmental Protection Department

Contact Number: (02)2366-7200/0928-856-112

E-mail: u015178@taipower.com.tw