


Out of consideration for this year’s global economic slowdown, Taipower has introduced a “Power Supply Equipment Maintenance Fee Discount Program” for electricity users in the manufacturing industry who experienced a decline in electricity consumption of more than 10% during the first half of 2023. This program applies to 30 categories of industries. Users who apply to reduce their contract capacity and restore it within 2 years will receive a 20% discount on power supply equipment maintenance fees from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024. Nearly 50,000 users will benefit from this initiative.

Taipower explained that the Company prepares sufficient power supply equipment based on the contract capacity requested by users to meet their electricity demands. Once equipment is installed, regardless of whether the user consumes electricity or not, annual fixed costs are incurred such as depreciation, maintenance, and interest expenses. Therefore, even if a user temporarily suspends their electricity usage, they are still required to pay the “Power Supply Equipment Maintenance Fee” upon resumption. Similar fee mechanisms have been adopted by many power companies worldwide.

Under the Discount Program, businesses that reduce their contract capacity will not only lower their basic monthly electricity expenses; they will receive a 20% discount on the “Power Supply Equipment Maintenance Fee” when the capacity is restored. For example, a business that reduces its contract capacity by 100 kW will save NT$230,000 in basic electricity fees per year or NT$460,000 over 2 years. Then, when economic conditions improve and the business increases its contract capacity, it will save an additional NT$90,000 on the “Power Supply Equipment Maintenance Fee”.

Beneficiaries of the Discount Program include 30 categories of industries such as textiles, plastics, metals, machinery equipment, and bicycles. In addition to providing immediate assistance to businesses affected by the economic downturn, this measure also enables Taipower to accurately monitor the actual electricity consumption of businesses, which helps with load management and facilitates precise planning of overall electricity supply, creating a win–win situation.

  • Beneficiaries of the Discount Program include 30 categories of industries, including textiles, plastics, metals, machinery equipment, and bicycles.

Business Inquiries: Rate Division, Business Department (02)2366-6675

Spokesperson: Professional Chief Administrator Chih-Meng Tsai

Contact Number: (02)2366-6271/0958-749-333

E-mail: u910707@taipower.com.tw

Business Contact: Deputy Director Yu-Dian Qiu, Business Department

Contact Number: (02)2366-7724/0966-558-268

E-mail: u150045@taipower.com.tw