


Did you know that Taipower not only generates electricity, but also issues publications? Since its founding in 1963, Taipower Monthly has been in business for 60 years and has published more than 700 issues, recording the history of Taipower in millions of words. The Electricity Chronicles - 60th Anniversary Taipower Monthly Exhibition opened today (April 29) at the Taipei Wanhua Xinfu Town Cultural Market, a must-visit place for young people. Taipower officials said that the exhibit not only reproduces the content of the inaugural issue of Taipower Monthly, but also combines 200 covers of the publication to create a 2-meter-high selfie check-in wall. Through the special exhibition for Taipower Monthly's 60th anniversary, Taipower hopes to lead the public through a time tunnel to discover the wonderful story of Taiwan's electricity development.

  • The opening reception for Taipower's Electricity Chronicles - Taipower Monthly 60th Anniversary Special Exhibition was hosted by 2021 Golden Bell Awards red carpet and Taipower's Podcast Call and Listen host, Huang Hao-ping. In the special exhibition, Li Hou-ching, Chinese Culture Association Deputy Secretary General, and Hsu Tsao-hua, Taipower Vice President, were invited to talk about the changes and transformation of Taipower Monthly.

Taipower held a reception for the opening of the Taipower Monthly 60th Anniversary Exhibition at the Taipei Wanhua Xinfu Town Cultural Market this afternoon (April 29). The opening reception was hosted by 2021 Golden Bell Awards red carpet and Taipower's Call and Listen podcast host, Huang Hao-ping. At the reception, Li Hou-ching, Chinese Culture Association Deputy Secretary General, and Hsu Tsao-hua, Taipower Vice President, were invited to talk about the changes and transformation of Taipower Monthly.

As Taipower officials related, Taipower Monthly was formerly known as Lijin Monthly, and was founded in 1947. The magazine’s content is centered around the work and life of Taipower employees, with articles ranging from official minutes, reports, essays, to even teaching materials in Latin romanization. In 1963, it officially became Taipower Monthly. In the early days, it was only for internal reading, as an employee communication medium. As society has developed, Taipower Monthly has not only recorded the latest company news, but has also started to add diverse topics such as international news and electricity science, translating difficult electrical concepts into easy-to-understand words. The magazine has also moved from black-and-white printing to a full-color design, making this monthly publication more and more popular. In year 2013, in response to digital reading trends, Taipower built a website and launched an "e-book service" for the monthly. This year, Taipower further transformed words into sound by launching the podcast program "Caller Listening", which allows the public to "hear all about" electricity in Taiwan.

Vice President and Taipower Monthly Editor-in-Chief Hsu Tsao-hua shared that Taipower Monthly continues to innovate in its article content, layout design, and even medium, to bring the magazine closer to the public. In addition to building up Taipower's brand image, it also provides the public with a better understanding of Taipower, through a wealth of electricity issues and concepts, serving as an important channel for two-way communication between Taipower and the public.

Taipower officials explained that the Electricity Chronicles special exhibition is divided into seven sections, gathering the best contents of Taipower's monthly magazines from the past 60 years. Officials also recommended "must-see" exhibition highlights, including a complete reproduction of the last issue of Encouragement Monthly and the first issue of Taipower Monthly, helping the public to relive the history of Taiwan back then. The 2-meter-tall Nostalgic Cover Selfie Check-In Wall, a collection of 200 covers of early issues, is a must-see photo spot. In addition, viewers can also listen to the newest Taipower "Call and Listen" podcast, so put on your headphones and have a feast of auditory knowledge!

  • A complete reproduction of the first issue of Taipower Monthly made its debut at the exhibition. The cover calligraphy was by Yang Jiayu, 6th Taipower chairman.

Taipower said that the Taipower Monthly 60th Anniversary Special Exhibition opens today and will be on display until May 8 at the Xinfu Half Floor in Xinfu Town Cultural Market (open 10:00am-6:00pm, closed Mondays). In addition to the many exciting stories about electricity, people who take selfies, check in and leave comments on Facebook will have a chance to win a limited number of beautiful gifts!

  • If you take a selfie, check in and leave a comment on Facebook during the exhibition, you will have a chance to win a limited number of replica notebooks of the founding issue!

In addition to the Taipower Monthly 60th Anniversary Special Exhibition, Taipower's monthly calendar of literature was released early this year (2022). The Heart of Taipower depicts how Taipower has accompanied the public into modern life over the years through 12 illustrations, helping visitors travel through the times and spaces of Taipower. Now, Taipower takes it a step further and create a dedicated website. The calendar illustrations and nearly 100 historical photos are digitized, allowing the public to follow the trajectory of the literature and discover Easter eggs in the illustrations. Do you want to know what Taiwan's first wind turbine, first electricity meter, or electricity bill looked like in the early days? Go to the website of Heart of Taipower - Through the Times and Spaces of Taipower to find out more! (https://tpcgallery.taipower.com.tw/)

Spokesperson: Chang Ting-Li, Dedicated General Manager

Tel: (02) 2366-6271/0936-625-552

Email: u742433@taipower.com.tw


Business Contact: Director of Public Service Yuan Mei-ling

Tel: (02) 2366-7430/0939-656-201

Email: u004465@taipower.com.tw