


The first 'Asia Pacific Circular Economy Roundtable ──New Frontier' in Taiwan shall have its grand debut on October 16th to 18th at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center. The stage achievements in Taiwan's developing of circular economy shall be presented in this Roundtable, in which Taiwan Power Company was one of the co-organizers.

Taipower said that it had spared no effort for many years in promoting circular economy through waste reuse and the employment of circular economy business models to reduce the waste of resources. Taipower received the first year (2019) 'Taiwan Circular Economy Awards' from Chung Hua Institution for Economic Research together with other businesses such as AU Optronics Corporation, San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd. and O'right, etc., and shall share its achievements concerning cross disciplinary & multiple utilization of circular materials in the coming 'Asia Pacific Circular Economy Roundtable'.

Taipower stressed that there was no real 'waste' but only 'wrongly positioned resources' in circular economy. Resources shall create their values as long as being placed on the right positions. Taking the coal ash produced in power plants as an example, coal ash is the largest by-product in Taipower's electricity generation, and the output of which is more than 2 million metric tons every year. Coal ash was viewed as waste in the past; however, after many years of research and development conducted by Taipower and other businesses of the industry, coal ash has successfully become usable resource when mixed with concrete.

Taipower considered that coal ash could also be used in the design of ceramic artwork and creative products. 'TPC Creative' created its own brand last year by incorporating the concept of circular economy and launched some popular creative living accessories such as super realistic 'manhole cover coaster' and ceramic power line insulator lamp holder, etc. The project of 'CO2 Fixation via Microalgae' is currently carried out in belts along the coasts around power plants, in which large algae were kept in the hope of reaching the ideal of 'Marine Ranch'. Application of coal ash in maritime engineering shall be developed in the future and more diverse products and applications shall be developed to cooperate with government's public works such as land reclamation and offshore wind turbines, etc., so as to concretely realize the operation of circular economy.
